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Member Since 30 Nov 2009
Offline Last Active 07 Jan 2021 10:07

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In Topic: Streaming to an enigma2 receiver

23 October 2019 - 19:17

You mean with gst gstreamer?


Yes, we patched GST to work as kodi player and it is fine and acelerated. Much better than internal player. But it works only with files. Now we need to pass Widewine output to GST.

But dpeddi can explain bettter because he is the author of the work on kodi.

In Topic: Streaming to an enigma2 receiver

23 October 2019 - 17:53

What ?

The porting ok kodi 18 will be public when we will complete the work, of course.

In the meanwhile if someone want to help with GST let us know

It is driving us crazy :)

In Topic: Streaming to an enigma2 receiver

23 October 2019 - 17:17

Yes, it's now possible, but they still use software decoding. So you need fast ARM CPU and only up to 720p is possible at the moment.


It works with all vu+ arm box. We have tested. But now we want video aceleration for better quality and we are trying with GST.

Here is with standard kodi internal player:



In Topic: Streaming to an enigma2 receiver

23 October 2019 - 15:49

For many services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Dazn edd we can have DRM protected contents in E2 with qtwebflix  ( https://github.com/gort818/qtwebflix )

It seems that a plugin for Octagon was made in these days.


Another solution is to port kodi 18 under E2 that include plugins for these services.

This is the solution we recently adopted for openblackhole and we have beta images with Netflix Dazn and Amazon Prime working : https://www.vuplus-c...3-beta-2.39672/


But the internal kodi player have not video hardware aceleration so now we need to use GST under kodi and to adapt it to work with inputstream adaptive. We are trying.....