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Member Since 14 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Today, 16:39

Topics I've Started

Openpli 7.3 and resolution 2160p on mutant hd51

27 October 2020 - 15:22

I try last release but on mu mutant hd51 with tv samsung TV Samsung 55ks7000 and i have problem set 2160p because image flickers andd to have screen stable i must set 1080i :-(

There is some solution for this ?




cacheflush for openpli

8 April 2020 - 07:53

Sry where i can download  cacheflush for our openpli ?




Move menu items

29 March 2020 - 16:45

There is the possibilities in OpenPli 7.2 change or move the order on items on principal menu ?




Problem epg Eurosport

5 December 2019 - 22:19

I my channels epg of eurosport are not show and i verify that in channels there is:


4097:0:1:E094:96:F5A4:0:0:0:0 Eurosport1.it
4097:0:1:BBDD:9837:6E37:0:0:0:0 Eurosport2.it
while after edit these in
4097:1:0:19:F4F:2198:FBFF:820000:0:0:0 Eurosport1.it
4097:1:0:19:1036:206C:FBFF:820000:0:0:0 Eurosport2.it
the epg appear correctly.
I try to build a file eurosport.xml with these lines
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <channel id="Eurosport1.it">1:0:19:F4F:2198:FBFF:820000:0:0:0:http%3a//echannelizer.com</channel> <!-- Eurosport 1 HD -->
  <channel id="Eurosport2.it">1:0:19:1036:206C:FBFF:820000:0:0:0:http%3a//echannelizer.com</channel> <!-- Eurosport 2 HD -->
and copy in \root\etc\epgimport, but is not show in filter of plugin epg-importer
Can you help me to solve it ?

Problem resolution Samsung UE55KS7000U

9 November 2019 - 00:46

I have UE55KS7000U now with OpenPli the image of movie is more great respet my old image of ItalySat where its possible select resolution 2160p30.

I search in option to select 2160 but black screen appear..so i must select 1080 but with the image more great

Some solution ?


