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Member Since 24 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active 02 Nov 2013 13:53

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In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

12 August 2013 - 16:04

Hey MiLo,

first of all: I posted the examples to show the thread-starter what I ment, and I was curious what he is saying to that...I know that Littlesat removed that before, and all the discussion had nothing to do with PLI, only with the guy who startet the thread here.

All your "not understandings": I am not angry with PLI at all. Yes we had discussions in the past about licenses, and we cleared this out, didn't we?
But this "kiddy" did not only modify, he claimed all the work for himself... sorry, but this goes too far.

I allow people to help me on my plugins, look at the license (unfortunately no one from the cummunity is doing that)...You know that all of my codes are always open source (since E1)...but I also use a licence, and that is my choice what kind of licence I use, isn't it? I don't think I have to explain why I am using this kind of licence, but anyway, I explained it at several boards before, and I am really sick of being insulted by users again and again for my choice of licence (and no, I was not insulted by your posting ;) ), so I will not go into details anymore. :)

In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

12 August 2013 - 13:24

I most definitely do not understand you. That's okay, though, everyone's entitled to his own opinions.


Just to be clear: Do you really think the thread-starter did not use my code?

In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

12 August 2013 - 11:41

Come on MiLo, you know that is not true ;) I wish you would have posted something like: "I can understand you"... Anyway, what I can see is that the thread-starter is still saying that he did all by his own...and that he did not take my code...I don't know what else to say... @PLI: I am really sorry that I have only negativ postings here at your board. I know you don't deserve this. Some of you guys are so long (longer than me) in the enigma-scene, still developing enigma2-stuff today, you have your own ideas and good solutions, I always liked that...

In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

11 August 2013 - 19:35

Ok, I give you same examples...

My Code:

	def setCurrentMarked(self, state):
		prev = self.current_marked
		self.current_marked = state
		if state != prev:
			if not state:
				list = self.service_center.list(self.root)
				if list is not None:
					mutableList = list.startEdit()
					if mutableList:
						position = self.getCurrentIndex()
						cur = self.l.getCurrentSelection()
						if cur and cur[0]:
							mutableList.moveService(cur[0], position)
							print "no ref selected"
						print "no editable list"
					print "no list available!"


"your code":

	def setCurrentMarked(self, state):
		prev = self.current_marked
		self.current_marked = state
		if state != prev:
			if not state:
				list = self.service_center.list(self.root)
				if list is not None:
					mutableList = list.startEdit()
					if mutableList:
						position = self.getCurrentIndex()
						cur = self.l.getCurrentSelection()
						if cur and cur[0]:
							mutableList.moveService(cur[0], position)


my Code:

	def lookupService(self, ref):
		index = 0
		for x in self.list:
			if x[0] == ref:
				return index
			index += 1
		return index


"Your Code":

	def lookupService(self, ref):
		index = 0
		for i in self.list:
			if i[0] == ref:
				return index
			index += 1
		return index


My Code:

	def finishFill(self, sort = True):
		self.size = len(self.list)
		if sort:


"your code:"

	def finishFill(self, sort = True):
		self.size = len(self.list)
		if sort:


My code:


	def buildMarkerList(self):
		index = 0
		self.marker_list = []
		for service in self.list:
			if (service[0].flags & eServiceReference.isMarker):
			index += 1


"your code":

	def buildMarkerList(self):
		index = 0
		self.marker_list = []
		for service in self.list:
			if service[0].flags & eServiceReference.isMarker:
			index += 1



There are plenty of more absolutely identical methods, should I show you all of them?


Is this really coincidence?


Ok, you came to the great idea to use a eLabel to calculate the size of a string, btw. its a good Idea, I had to ask a DMM developer because of the performance... ;)

What I can't figure out why calculateSize().width() did not work in all cases, sometimes it was too small... so I added a "lucky guess" number it..



length = self.textRenderer.calculateSize().width() + 10


Hey, and you know what... I found that in "your code" also... :D


length = self.renderLabel.calculateSize().width() + 10



So I bet you do not have to say anymore.... ;)


But we have something in common: we both think that is an useless conversation... ;)

In Topic: Plugin ExtraChannelSelection

11 August 2013 - 00:43

You're kidding me that you are beginning a discussion here, don't you? :) Everyone who has a tiny little knowledge of programming can see this after 1 minutes studying "your code" comparing to my code...all the really important methods or functions of "your" class are absolutely identical with my code...It did not help that you rename some of the methods with new names... ;) And why is Litllesat believing my words? Maybe he knows that I do not talk bullshit, and maybe he took a little look into the source code of your plugin, who knows... And come one: closed plugin-source? What is that for an argument? You are very angry? Well dude, don't ask me what I am thinking or feeling...