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Member Since 4 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active 24 Nov 2019 12:34

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In Topic: Zgemma H9S timeshift and USB 3.0 problems

22 October 2019 - 14:39

ehh ?


first you say you use a 256mb usb stick

and then suddenly you use a 256gb stick ?


Sorry. My mistake. Of cource 256Gb



If you have Zgemma H9S with OpenPli, image please make a short test: 

1/ Turn on automatic timeshift start after 3-5 seconds.

2/ Zap to some channel (no matter SD, HD or UHD) and wait for a minute or more.

3/ Press Rewind button << on your remote.


My receiver can not rewind properly. The screen goes black. Only infobar and seekbar are shown. And marker of current position on seekbar does not move to the left.


But my second receiver VU+ Uno 4k with the same version of OpenPLI 7.1 passes this test normally with the same Kingston HyperX Savage 256Gb.


Thank you!

In Topic: Zgemma H9S timeshift and USB 3.0 problems

21 October 2019 - 21:52

If the port works in 6.2 and not in 7, it is most likely a driver regression. We don't do anything at hardware level.


The stick might not be slow, but maybe in an USB2 slot it is? I can't really comment, I never use memory sticks for this purpose...

I have tried external 2.5 HDD. Result the same.

In Topic: Zgemma H9S timeshift and USB 3.0 problems

21 October 2019 - 20:33

If the USB port doesn't work, zgemma has to fix this in the drivers, this is outside our control (but we can pass it on).


And I can't reproduce the other points on my box, it might be related with the fact you use a (slow) USB device as storage?

I have tried OpenPLI 6.2 and USB 3.0 port works.

My USB is not slow - i's Kingston hyperx savage 256gb


Oh! If connect to USB 3.0 port an external USB 2.0 2.5 SATA HDD, the disk is working fine.


One more thing. I use oscam (from feed) and watch 36E with keys from network.