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Member Since 11 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active 11 Feb 2017 12:44

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Epg and chennel select ?

11 February 2017 - 02:58



I have been using the vix image on my vu duo forever but have always put up with the odd bugs.  I decided to give open pli go as I love the skyq skin and it sdoesn;t look as good on vix, but at the moment it is doing my head in and im beginning to feel like jacking it in and going back to vix


I have all my channels working but Finding them is the hard part.


with the vix image  to select your tv channel you press epg on the remote and the epg loads just like you would expect.   with the PLi image I get a box showing me the info of the current program.


I know I can access the epg by long pressing the button and then choosing option 1, but that s not what the epg button should do. one single press should load the epg


once in the epg how on earth do I access the categories, eg entertainment, sport, news etc. on vix you just press the tv button and they are listed



what have i dont wrong? how can i make the this image more user friendly