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Member Since 25 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active 05 Sep 2012 19:09

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In Topic: cccam config for new HD Thai/True/UBC SmartCards

25 July 2012 - 17:23

I have Read that NDSCam is working for many Vidoegurd systems. Has anybody tried it ?

Jack, do you have an url for the forum ?


In Topic: cccam config for new HD Thai/True/UBC SmartCards

23 July 2012 - 07:00

Jack, and others, is anybody actively working on this ?

I would like to understand the issues in greater details.

It sounds to me there are essentially two keys, one in the card and one in the box.

So my understanding is, that the difficulty lies in extracting the box key, is that correct ?

Is there a more appropriate forum for this discussion ?


In Topic: CCCam Configuration help $100 USD reward !

18 July 2012 - 18:45

Previously I was using ccam. But now they changed to Videoguard. So previous config file won't help. I have been trying various configurations and searching the net etc. I have been screwing with this for several months now. I have a basic understanding as to how this works, and have invested some time in to t his. But I am not an expert ... and don't want to become one, unless I am forced by the providers.

If I can't find a solution I will cancel the local service and look for alternatives. I am not interested in local providers anyway, as I mostly watch FOX, AXN, HBO, etc ...

I will go and get a appropriate dish to get those elsewhere if I can not use the local providers offering.

I did have another thread in this forum, which didn't go anywhere. So I decided to offer some $$$, I don't mind to pay somebody to figure this out, and hopefully being able to share this for legitimate use ...

Many thanks to all replies !


In Topic: cccam config for new HD Thai/True/UBC SmartCards

18 July 2012 - 04:09

Ok, lets try this !

The first person who can show me how to make my new True HD card work (decode the channels I pay for) with my DM8000 I will give $100 USD !

Any takers ?


In Topic: cccam config for new HD Thai/True/UBC SmartCards

11 June 2012 - 10:16

I have been playing with this more, but can't figure out the correct settings. Has anybody had more luck ?
