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In Topic: Nach dem Update immer GreenScreen bei EPG
26 February 2017 - 10:04
In Topic: Nach dem Update immer GreenScreen bei EPG
25 February 2017 - 07:21
After Install, everything works fine and the Settings are still there. Thanks.
Just 1 Point: I am not sure, but after the Installation is the Picture not clear- there are much Freeze- strips on the screen...
Just 1 Point: I am not sure, but after the Installation is the Picture not clear- there are much Freeze- strips on the screen...
In Topic: Nach dem Update immer GreenScreen bei EPG
24 February 2017 - 21:49
In Topic: Nach dem Update immer GreenScreen bei EPG
24 February 2017 - 21:12
This does not works... Hier the Steps I tried:
Download the Image:
Extrated to the Root of USB Stick (Fat32)
Restart the Rooter (with the Stick firstly)
Nothing happens - the Receiver start as usualy...
What am I doing wron?!? Thanks Guys...
In Topic: Nach dem Update immer GreenScreen bei EPG
24 February 2017 - 20:51
Source code from april 2016... reflash first...
How to reflash?
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