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Member Since 2 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active 06 May 2018 07:06

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In Topic: 6.2 RC crash

24 April 2018 - 08:03

So , I'm not the only one who have crashes with Openpli 6.2-rc , my STB is VU+duo1 


So , the problem is the Image itself not the STB 


we need solution ASAP please for the new release 6.2-rc

In Topic: Again I'm facing a lot of crashes and hanging with Openpli-6.2-rc-vuduo

24 April 2018 - 07:01

Or autorestore is restoring many plugins that fill up the flash, moreover MyMetrix skin is really an heavy skin that adds many components.

I'm Using the Same number of Plugins & the Same Skin ( MyMetrix ) with Openpli 6.1 VU+ Duo1 and it is working well , why if I use the Same with Openpli 6.2-rc it is hanging and Crashes ???


you can understand that the problem is with the Image version with VU+duo1 , and I don't know if it is the memory Size Or what exactly !!!

In Topic: Again I'm facing a lot of crashes and hanging with Openpli-6.2-rc-vuduo

23 April 2018 - 21:27

That is not needed, if you flash a new image, it is erased.

So , the problem in the new Openpli 6.2 rc is the big size of image


please try to find a solution with image size especially with VU+duo 1

In Topic: Again I'm facing a lot of crashes and hanging with Openpli-6.2-rc-vuduo

23 April 2018 - 20:25

I think an action is needed to see what is filling up the flash...

So . is there any way to format the  VU+ Duo1 internal memory ( Deep Formatting ) ?? before install the new Openpli 6.2-rc  ??

In Topic: Again I'm facing a lot of crashes and hanging with Openpli-6.2-rc-vuduo

23 April 2018 - 07:03

If your flash memory is full, you should at best reflash your box. Your box don’t have much flash memory so be careful what you install. Eg picons in the flash memory is normally a good idea (better than on a hdd), but they are not small and wasting your small memory.



My Dear i'm always using Picons on an External Flash Memory 16 GB , the Problem now is that the Image with Version 6.2-rc size is very big and and doesn't give a chance to download & install more Plugins  or Skins or any thing Especially with my VU+ Duo1 which his Memory is Already Small .