could you give guided steps for those 2 please??
This is what to do :-
Give console commands :-
cd /home/****/Documents
git clone --bare git://;protocol=git;branch=master
You see :-
Cloning into bare repository 'enigma2.git'...
remote: Counting objects: 75442, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (22422/22422), done.
remote: Total 75442 (delta 60869), reused 66336 (delta 52948)
Receiving objects: 100% (75442/75442), 39.11 MiB | 2.01 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (60869/60869), done.
In folder Documents now you will find a folder enigma2.git.
In /home/****/openpli/openpli-oe-core/sources you find folder git2. Make a new folder inside it named -
Copy all the items from Documents/enigma2.git into the new folder.
Then give console commands :-
cd /home/****/openpli/openpli-oe-core/build-vuduo
source ./env.source
bitbake -cclean enigma2
bitbake enigma2
When the bitbake is finished, restart console and start make image again.
Good luck, pcd.
Thanks for that
git clone --bare git://;protocol=git;branch=master
works fine as well but rename it to
I used the same clean command though.