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30 Bob cabbage head

Member Since 27 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active 30 Mar 2017 23:16

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In Topic: zgemma H2S

28 March 2017 - 21:13

And in the last four or five days, I've learned how to flash the box. Load different skins, and got to grips with fileszilla, but the one thing that I needed to learn and haven't is out to solve the mystery of the cccam.

In Topic: zgemma H2S

28 March 2017 - 21:12

It's quite obvious openPLi  Is not for me, I much prefer openvix, in my humble and unqualified judgement openvix seems a far superior tool, especially the plug-ins, no offence to the people who prefer openPLi ,And what do I know I'm just a cabbage head but thank you to all who contributed to this thread, especially WanWizard.

In Topic: zgemma H2S

28 March 2017 - 21:03

You are right, I do speak in tongues, thank you for your help, I have tried OpenPLi .And in my humble and and unqualified mind, openvix's seems a much superior tool.Especially the plug-ins.But obviously I am cabbage head What do I know,But thank you for your help. :) I can just hear them now, reading this thinking what a toss,But only will you learn by asking stupid questions.

In Topic: zgemma H2S

28 March 2017 - 16:42

I have set up OpenPLi  Can I use Slyk, I think I have loaded it using filezilla , But I don't know how to find it in my box, before I just went menu vix and loaded it from there.Any help would be appreciated

In Topic: zgemma H2S

28 March 2017 - 15:52

Thank you WanWizard My box has just flashed the bit I was missing was pressed the Power key When USB was showing So thank you again