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Member Since 19 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active 05 Jan 2023 09:53

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In Topic: ultimo 4k skin display

24 September 2022 - 05:35




You should edit the file.

Inviato dal mio SM-S901U utilizzando Tapatalk

any hints on what to edit ?
The question would be if openpli 8.3 software is used on the vu+ ultimo 4k device and I open the mediaplayer, the display of the letters is small, can someone fix this for me? it should be displayed normally!
Unfortunately I think it will remain the same. You need someone who has the same deco as you and has the patience to tweak the display skin.
The one I tweaked for a 4K if it was put in the reposity, and I honestly don't know if it's okay for yours.

Inviato dal mio 2201123G utilizzando Tapatalk


after all, there is an integrated media player and why does the text not appear on the LCD display in the normal size, this is not a huge problem for the software developers, I think someone will solve this already.

In Topic: ultimo 4k skin display

23 September 2022 - 17:14


You should edit the file.

Inviato dal mio SM-S901U utilizzando Tapatalk

any hints on what to edit ?


The question would be if openpli 8.3 software is used on the vu+ ultimo 4k device and I open the mediaplayer, the display of the letters is small, can someone fix this for me? it should be displayed normally!

In Topic: ultimo 4k skin display

15 September 2022 - 07:09

The titles of music copied to HDD using openpli media player do not appear on the display as normal, how can I change this?