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Member Since 17 May 2010
Offline Last Active 20 Mar 2013 20:47

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Vu+ Duo2 and Solo2 confirmed

14 June 2012 - 21:05

Sorry specs for prismcube?

In Topic: Vu+ Duo2 and Solo2 confirmed

14 June 2012 - 20:32

Is the prismcube made by vu?

Is the prismcube the only box that is running xbmc4stb?

Is there any spec for xbmc4stb?

In Topic: Vu+ Duo2 and Solo2 confirmed

13 June 2012 - 20:29

New Vu+ Duo2 Back-Panel


New Vu+ Solo2 Back-Panel


Three plugable slots on the back of the Duo2, but it's left out on the brochure.

On the Solo2, the two lnb slots are labeled "LNB1 Input" & "LNB2 Input" The brochure lists it the same same way.

In Topic: XBMC4STB?

24 March 2012 - 21:04

... raspberry pi costing $35 ...

That's just theory. I've ordered one, but I'd be surprised if it arrived before 2013...

Mid-May is my approx delivery date for the pi. 700mhz sure is a lot faster than any STB I have seen, but it wouldn't have all the extras needed to run a STB.

In Topic: XBMC4STB?

24 March 2012 - 20:07

When you have stuff like raspberry pi costing $35 that can run xbmc, I'll always surprised how expensive STB's are. Why are they so expensive, is it the tuner cards?
The main thing for XBMC is that the processor can support OpenGLES.