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Member Since 23 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active 15 Jun 2024 04:43

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In Topic: Flash Maxytec Multibox 4K SE

12 December 2020 - 06:30

MANY MANY THANKS,  betacentauri!
Thanks also for the quick replay!

Now, thanks to you, I can see the "partitions" as you describe:


I guess, the fourth Partition is D: minus the above three, plus the Android one ...

Culd be possible to manipulate the boot loader so that the space for the partitions can be created on a USB instead of the flash where its  created?

If so, how ???

In Topic: Flash Maxytec Multibox 4K SE

11 December 2020 - 03:46

I know its an year old topic but I acquired right now the Maxytec Multibox, and have the following questions to all of you guys out there:

Is there a possibility to see the other 3 partitions, during the use of the current ???

If yes, then how ???

Is there a way to format the EEMC memory to work with one partition on root, having for use the whole 8GB ???


Thanks in advance...