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Member Since 22 Jun 2017
Offline Last Active 07 Aug 2017 20:45

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In Topic: is it possible to record iptv

7 August 2017 - 20:46

I have vu+ solo2 se clone.

In Topic: is it possible to record iptv

7 August 2017 - 20:43

Hi all, for the love of God will we ever be able to record from all iptv service? Just got a month sub thinking I could record but no its 4097,Great, useless. I don't see why openpli can not do a version to include recording for any type of file that is read by the box as we can see it on the tv.

Can anyone tell me a provider that you can record but need two lines? I know with one line you can record then freezes and then you can just playback through what your recording and stop recording when program is over. So two lines and you can record one and watch another? I assume so. that can work but need a provder that can facilitate this. I am all for a way to record anything from any IPTV but seems its impossible as no remedy has been found.