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Member Since 27 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active 06 Apr 2014 09:50

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In Topic: How to remove channels?

30 March 2014 - 10:58



Thank you so much Bag58 - I am eternally grateful.  I would never have been able to figure this out.


Now I just need to sort out the backup settings, I have created a new thread


Thanks again :)

In Topic: How to remove channels?

30 March 2014 - 10:15

Bag58 - I tried using Dreamset. Deleted the channels using Ctrl Del and saved and write back to receiver.


Restarted box, and the channels are still there.


I do not think it is possible to remove channels from the main list

In Topic: How to remove channels?

29 March 2014 - 19:32

No those are all just views on the main list. That is exactly why you should work with a favirites list (bouquet). You only put the channels you want in them, and you have full control on what is in there. You cloud remove channels from the main list on your PC with a settings editor, but such channels will simply reappear when they are detected by the background scan.

Thanks Bag58.  But I did try using Dreamboxedit and Dreamset to remove the channels, but I could not get rid of them, Dreamset I found quite complicated.


The channels shouldnt re appear as they are feed channels, and when you have old feed channels in the list it gets messy, especially when all have the same name but on different frequencies,


Can you please explain how I should go about deleting them on the PC?


Many thanks

In Topic: How to remove channels?

29 March 2014 - 18:00

You are aware that you can only delete channels from one of the bouquets, and not from the main list, are you?

No, I was not aware of that.  So,  channels stay in the main list forever?  Can I not move them?  How about removing channels from an individual satellite channel list? Can I do that?

In Topic: How to remove channels?

28 March 2014 - 23:19

I already tried that, but there is no option to delete.  I believe installing channel list from vhannibal, somehow means that the remove channel option is no longer there.