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Member Since 14 Jul 2017
Offline Last Active 17 Jul 2017 11:31

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Determining the size of the recording file on (ex. Solo2) OpenPli 6 based image

14 July 2017 - 19:39

Hellow all!

I wrote a small program  (on Delphi 10.0 up 2, named FFPMEG Starter or FST), which, in particular, can recode the recording in progress "on the fly." In order for the encoding to fail prematurely, it becomes paused, and then continues. Determining whether a record has run out or not occurs on the basis of resizing the file. The size is polled once a second. Unfortunately, the file size does not change when it is polled, although the recording is in progress. I use 5 methods to determine the size. Only one of the methods gives the correct result, but unfortunately, it only works for files smaller than 2 GB.

The OpenPli 4 -based images dont have such problrm but OpenPli 6 -based image has it.

The users of FST tell me about this problem, but I can not do anything.

Maybe there is some kind of tuning in the system, according to which the file size would be determined correctly?

It's tested on Solo2.OS is any Windows (W7+, x64). The Solo2 has mounted hard drive. Access to the hard disk is provided by the Microsoft Network. The drive is mapping as letter.

FST is here (freeware) http://ovisoft.ru/web_projects/tosha/  (Without reg, ads and viruses. If you have a 64-bit OS, you can download 64-bit FPMPEG and replace its files in the BIN directory (optional)). 

See how it does not work, you can unpack the portable version, run it and open the recording file. Methods for determining the size of the recording file are specified in the Options tab. The size of the file is displayed on the main tab. Start recording on the receiver and open it with the Open Source button. See Attachnents.

On VuDuo2 I have the OpenPli 4 - see Attachs. It is OK.

Users can not install version OpenPli 4, because they can not configure tuner B, and in version 6 they can.

Sorry for the automatic translation. Thanks to everyone who read this.