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Member Since 11 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active 31 Jan 2018 09:23

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In Topic: permanent timeshift install problem

17 September 2015 - 11:45

is there a way to add "arch mipsel 26" by default in the arch.conf file?

I am building my own image and feedserver, wich is going very nice (thanks to the perfect manual from this board), but in order to download and install items like "CCcaminfo", "Permanenttimeshift" and "uitzendinggemist" i have to manualy add the extra rule in the arch.conf. I am looking around in "/openpli-oe-core/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/opkg/opkg/" but i do not know where to add or tweak the right file.


btw, it is for the Mutant HD500C


Thanks up front.

In Topic: Mut@nt hd 2400 bij opnemen andere kanaal op zwart

9 July 2015 - 13:25

Met Cccam 230 werkt het prima , met oudere versies gaat maar 1 kanaal open, exact hetzelfde overigens als bij de xtrend et10000