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Member Since 7 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active 22 Jan 2012 12:18

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In Topic: Vu+ Kernel 3.1.1 beta

21 January 2012 - 19:27

Which download page, this one--http://openpli.org/download/vuduo/ (?)

I certainly have not seen any 'skulls'. ;) It just baffles me that something so useful was changed. I am not talking about updating from the box, btw, which isn't possible since the new kernel needs re-flashing.

I hope the exclusion of soft cams and Wi-Fi drivers is something the devs are aware of and will re-introduce, as it makes it extremely cumbersome to use on a non-wired Vu+ box.

In Topic: Vu+ Kernel 3.1.1 beta

20 January 2012 - 16:15

Installed latest image (20120120) today after upgrading the boot loader to V3.0 and running auto backup for my settings. Channel lists made it over, however:

o No CCcam and
o (more importantly) no Wi-Fi (ra73) driver, thereby effectively Catch-22'ing any CCcam install to actually be able to watch channels.
o No skins

Since this VU+ only has Wi-Fi connectivity this was basically a show-stopper. I know Wi-Fi sometimes has been an afterthought on PLI (ref. previous threads), but please understand that there are users who rely on it.

What happened to the status light, btw.? It would be nice to know if there are issues with a current build.

In Topic: Vu+ Uno and Ultimo

13 April 2011 - 11:13

Anyone have the specs for the new "Ultimo"? (can't find anything about it)