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Member Since 9 Oct 2010
Offline Last Active 28 Jan 2020 15:50

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In Topic: [VU+ Zero] Ext. 2,5'' HDD doesn't start on record

7 November 2015 - 17:04

Ok, thanks. Now it works (not by default).  ;)

In Topic: Why are the NAS shares deleted after a reboot?

20 January 2015 - 21:08

Thanks, but I'm not sure if this will fix it (read this - incl your posts- also here: http://forums.openpl...e-doesnt-mount/). Because both boxes have exactly the same kernel version and built date. And it works without any issues on the solo2. 

Today I read the log in /var/log, but there no entries that point on the mounts.


I still think about, that it could be a network issue. Maybe the VU+ Zero wants to connect to the NAS-folders, but there isn't any network connection yet.


Here are the Infos from the WebIF of the Solo2:


VU+ Solo2
OE-System: PLi-OE
Distribution: openpli
Firmware-Version: 4.0
Treiberversion: 3.13.5+20150109-r0.0
Kernelversion: 3.13.5
GUI-Version: 2015-01-18
DHCP: True
IP-Adresse: XXX.XXX.XXX.12/24
Gateway: XXX.XXX.XXX.1
MAC-Adresse: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:79
And here from the VU+ Zero:
VU+ Zero
OE-System: PLi-OE
Distribution: openpli
Firmware-Version: 4.0
Treiberversion: 3.13.5+20150109-r0.0
Kernelversion: 3.13.5
GUI-Version: 2015-01-18
DHCP: True
MAC-Adresse: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:2b


So, this is strange. The WebIF shows that VU+ Zero has no proper network connection: no IP-adress and no Subnet-mask. But in fact: it has:


root@vuzero:~# ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:2b 
          inet addr:XXX.XXX.XXX.9  Bcast:XXX.XXX.XXX.255  Mask:
- Is there a way to get a full boot.log (the file in /var/log is a 0 bit file)?
- Does anyone has the VU+ Zero and a CIFS connection to a NAS and similar behaviour?
Thanks and regards

In Topic: Why are the NAS shares deleted after a reboot?

19 January 2015 - 21:32

Ok, switched on the VU+ Zero today and the network shares are missing again.  :(
But now I'm one step further. When I press "connect again" (german: erneut verbinden) in the Mountmanager the shares are back and everything's fine. But it doesn't work automatically.
Here's the automounts.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
The automatically "on-the-fly" built folders are /media/net/NASstream, /media/net/NASbilder und /media/net/NASmusic.
However: I have the same automounts.xml for the VU+ Solo2 (only differences are username and password of course) and works since nearly two years now without any issues. And I never had to reconnect the shares manually. Maybe that's an issue in the Zero's image?
Thanks and regards

In Topic: Why are the NAS shares deleted after a reboot?

18 January 2015 - 21:44

So, finally I flashed a new image (nightly build from tonight), and it seems to work now with the automount.xml. Dunno what went wrong with the previous installation...
I'm sorry, but my english is not really good. Did I understand you right, when I say:
- it's not necessary to create the share folders in /media anymore ?
- 'cause they will be build up on-the-fly after every boot ?
- e.g. the share should be named /media/net/NASstream -> so I don't have to create neither /media/net nor /media/net/NASstream. The only requirement is to set the entry /media/net/NASstream in the /media/net/NASstream or in /etc/fstab ?

In Topic: Why are the NAS shares deleted after a reboot?

18 January 2015 - 16:42

As MiLo said, the folder will be automatically created.


My boxes have several mounts in fstab, to different folders in /media, and these folders are all created on the fly without problems.


Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that you don't use folders in /media, but in /media/net? Perhaps those aren't properly detected? Or creation fails because /media/net doesn't exist either?


Yes, I guess, that's the problem. Something's destroyed in the Vu+ Zero system. There is no /media/net anymore and I don't find a way to recreate it. So i will flash again and will have a look, if it will work better.