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Member Since 6 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active 06 Nov 2017 15:49

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In Topic: Formuler F1 Network issue

6 November 2017 - 15:42

Thank you for your reply WanWizard I am at a loss then why two other images work fine but OpenPLI just does not!  Maybe you read incorrectly the only way I could get the receiver to see a network was to set the switch port down to 100mbs if I left it auto neg then it would simply would not work and hence my question about the drivers.

In Topic: Formuler F1 Network issue

6 November 2017 - 13:43

Is there anyway someone else (developer) could try this as I am concerned that I have an issue with the box and I need someone else to try and see if they get the same results as the seller World of Satellite says quite rightly (but maybe not actual) that if the issue is only with one image it is the image and not the hardware?