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Member Since 10 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active 10 Nov 2017 12:10

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In Topic: CCcam Per Zgemma H7

10 November 2017 - 11:59

Grazie per la risposta quindi devo installare la MGCamd?

In Topic: CCcam Per Zgemma H7

10 November 2017 - 11:51

I did but softcam does not appear CCcam.
I tried installing the CCcam manually but I always mistake it.
Thank you.

In Topic: CCcam Per Zgemma H7

10 November 2017 - 11:32

Good morning.

I bought the receiver as a title, I installed OPENPLI 6.0 all fine, the only problem is that in PLUGINS SOFTCAM CCcam does not appear and therefore unable to install it.

Can anybody give me a hand?

Thank you and greetings.