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Member Since 10 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active 24 Apr 2018 10:19

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Howto build unofficial pli for your unsupported receiver

21 April 2018 - 10:17

Hello, I had been away from thi s forum for some time and now...I came back and see it's possible to run Openpli on Raspberry 3??!!! Is it real???

But with DVB support??
If this is true I am the happiest man with a satellite dish on the roof!!! :-) :-)

So...can anyone please confirm this great news?

Thank you.


In Topic: Trying to compile on Raspberry

11 November 2017 - 09:47

Hello, thank you for your kind answers, my goal is to have openpli compiled on my raspberry and use it with my skystar HD usb for watching satellite tv. I already use it with VDR with great satisfaction, but I'd like to try also openpli because I think it's better than VDR.

I am NOT (unluckily) an ace in compiling linux program but I try to do my best, of course what could be a little trick for most of programmers takes me 2 days of google searching for solution but...I hope to learn something in this way... :-)

So, I try to follow the brute force attack suggested by WanWizard...but...where can I put the instruction he suggested? Inside my source code directory there's not any local.conf file..

Thank you again.
