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Member Since 16 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active 13 Dec 2017 11:19

Posts I've Made

In Topic: USTVNow plugin

27 November 2017 - 16:00

It works at the internet page and with the (polish?)  IPTV Player Plugin. Seems to be a Open ATV Problem?!

In Topic: USTVNow plugin

19 November 2017 - 09:21

No, sadly it doesn't even create a bouqet. (Or does it immediately delete it after finding no services?)


Maybe in OpenATV miss a module thats needed for the plugin? I searched for python-jason, but that is working in OpenATV. Or is it just a problem with permissions? Hmmm  :(

In Topic: USTVNow plugin

16 November 2017 - 12:40

The Plugin tells me always "No Srvices found" although I put in my email an password. I can use it on the webpage of ustvnow. Is this not working with OpenATV?


I've the same Problem!


I'm using OpenATV on a OSMIni. With the IPTV Player Plugin I can use USATVNOW, but the USATV-Now plugin tells 

me "No Services found". 

Watching on the webpage works fine. 


It would be great if a solution could be found because I would very much like this plugin to watch!  :)


Best reagards,
