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Member Since 6 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active 13 Dec 2017 12:41

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Italian DTT epg missing

13 December 2017 - 09:03


I installed in my new dm920 the epg import (enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport - 1.0-r36.3) and configured with sources:


Rytec IPTV XMLTV(xz)

Italia - Basis (xz) 

Italia - Sky (xz)

Italia - Sport/Film/Premium (xz)


The epg for sat 13E is filled but epg for dtt (dvb-t) is completely missing.

I see that the service ref, for example, of RAI 1 HD of sat is different from RAI 1 HD of DTT. It is true for all channles but I think that it is correct.

How can I get the epg for dtt?
