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Member Since 16 Nov 2010
Offline Last Active 10 Jan 2013 22:01

Posts I've Made

In Topic: EPG-sources

24 January 2012 - 21:56

Yes I agree, this would be a good addition to make.

I have had issues where a timer conflict has occurred because of the use of EIT and other EPG such as Rytec

In Topic: Vu+ Kernel 3.1.1 beta

27 December 2011 - 17:17

Why wait for something that has not arrived, in that time all the other images are up to date and we are stuck on a old kernel.

just eat humble pies guys and use Andy's enhancements.

In Topic: Vu+ Kernel 3.1.1 beta

25 December 2011 - 20:00

I have to agree, I find it strange that AndyB can fix VIX but PLI are having to wait for VU+ to fix their GIT, come on guys get it sorted/

In Topic: PLI 1.0 and DM7020

24 February 2011 - 14:04

Does any one have a working e1_UK.dat please