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Member Since 28 Dec 2017
Offline Last Active 03 Jan 2018 07:50

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In Topic: Albanian Channels EPG

28 December 2017 - 22:21

I took a look at: http://albepg.com/usage.php
and it list a ready made EPG for use on enigma2 receivers.

The only thing is missing are the links between the EPG and the service refs. This you have to make yourself.
So first thing is to find out the service refs of the channels you are interested in. Look around here in the pinned subjects, there are several ways described to obtain these.

You have to make then a channels.xml file containing the links between the EPG and these service refs.
In the example here 1:0:19:9CA:4B:601:FFFF0000:0:0:0: is the service ref.
<channel id="Jolly HD"> you find in the guide.xml file from http://albepg.com/
Call this file Albania.channels.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin-1"?>
<!-- service references can be found in /etc/enigma2/lamedb -->
<channel id="Jolly HD">1:0:19:9CA:4B:601:FFFF0000:0:0:0:</channel> <!-- Jolly HD -->
Copy this file to /etc/epgimport in you receiver

Make also a sources file. (f.i. alb.sources.xml) and copy this file also in etc/epgimport
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="latin-1"?>
<source type="gen_xmltv" channels="Albania.channels.xml">
<description>Shqiperia XMLTV</description>
After you have done this. Select the Shqipëria XMLTV source in the XMLTVimport, and import. Succes.


PS: If you think this is a lot of work. Yes, it is. But I have done all this for the total system we provide.