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12 January 2022 - 18:59
I need a simple script to send a Diseqc command - e.g. change port to B. Could someone help ?
19 December 2021 - 06:16
Would it be possible to add an option in SCR (Unicable/JESS) settings: "Change Voltage to 18v", so when receiver is ON or streaming it will change voltage to 18v (instead of 13v)
7 February 2021 - 03:50
I get this when I run 'opkg update' command:
.... Downloading http://downloads.ope...all/Packages.gz. Downloading http://downloads.ope...eon/Packages.gz. Downloading http://downloads.ope...kse/Packages.gz. Collected errors: * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://downloads.ope...all/Packages.gz, wget returned 8. * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://downloads.ope...eon/Packages.gz, wget returned 8. * opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://downloads.ope...kse/Packages.gz, wget returned 8.
Any help?