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Member Since 11 Dec 2010
Offline Last Active 07 Feb 2014 08:43

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Air Player don't work on ET9000 with open pli?

18 February 2012 - 15:17

I just installed it on my dm500hd and it works.
But does it only work with youtube?
I cant get it to work with airvideo or other simulare apps.

In Topic: New (08.07.11) drivers for Vu duo

18 July 2011 - 17:19

I noticed that the files in lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3 have permissions 644 the files I put in to lib/modules/2.6.18-7.3/extra have permissions 755 is that right should it be that way?

In Topic: New (08.07.11) drivers for Vu duo

18 July 2011 - 17:04

ok now I put back my backup of the drivers that were on the box before.
Now it looks like it starts, but get stuck in the openPli screen with the kid on it.
I can access the box via ftp but nothing else.

any ideas on what to do?

In Topic: New (08.07.11) drivers for Vu duo

18 July 2011 - 16:36

my Vu Duo+ is not starting after the update ?
I have
OpenPLi v1.0 Enigma2