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Member Since 22 Jan 2018
Offline Last Active 30 Jan 2018 20:39

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In Topic: Can`t get Formuler F3 controlled by Samsung KS7000

25 January 2018 - 17:26

Solved problem by changing HDMI cable to brand new high quality 2.0. MAGIC! Now it`s working with every config option. Just found that better to choose tuner power on by power on request from TV.

Still request Formuler F3 IR codes to send them to Samsung, so the tuner will no longer need to simulate Dreambox.

In Topic: Can`t get Formuler F3 controlled by Samsung KS7000

24 January 2018 - 17:17

Did some testing and got Samsung IR controller to work with Formuler when i select Dream Multimedia remote both on TV and tuner, but in this case i`ve lost the use of original remote of course, and some buttons weren`t working as expected like Guide button was working as FAV button (corrected this in hotkey menu). Can i get Formuler IR codes to transmit them to Samsung (they seem to keep them in online database, so an update will not need software update and will be available to all Samsung TVs)?

Any options of HDMI-CEC didn`t worked for me. WanWizard, i see you have a plenty of devices, can you write a config which worked for you? How can i test and find what`s wrong with CEC?