* New unofficial test build for Fulan sh4 (spark/spark7162)
Download: https://mega.nz/#F!v...DLHfab11t5_y5Sg
- Now built using -O2 instead of -Os, it feels a bit faster now
- Disabled zram by default as it slows down things
- Includes gstreamer 1.14 as well (thx Taapat)
- Uchardet upgraded to git version
- Merged PLi's latest enigma2 rev: 9310a05
- Built using latest openpli-oe-core rev: ab347d9
- Many cleanups and fixes
- Removed serviceapp
* Note: zram is disabled by default since we're using extra memory from video ram.
This breaks PIP, but that was limited to SD-channels anyways.
If you still want to use zram, login using telnet and issue the following commands:
touch /etc/.zram reboot* Note2: serviceapp has been removed in favor of Taapats service-player for libeplayer3 and gstreamer.
The playback system is set to libeplayer3 by default, which provides the same playback functionality as serviceapp + exteplayer3 as default player.
If you'd like to swtich to gstreamer 1.14, you can do this by going to: Menu -> Settings -> System -> Usage Setup (this requires a restart of enigma2)
Exteplayer3 (and now also gstplayer) is still included for use with IPTV Player
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