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Member Since 2 Mar 2018
Offline Last Active 10 Mar 2018 22:39

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In Topic: python big broblem please helpe

10 March 2018 - 22:28

mr wanwizad  you are out  of  topic  ur answer so far.

thinks  to samsam  he solve my problem without any upgrade.

there is a problem in the image open pli its self in sni patches.

In Topic: folder media/usb doesnt show

10 March 2018 - 21:47

yes the is the reall idea anudanan  storing extra files like picons server-iptv.mu3 .....  in folder usb

that folder even if you dont have usb shoul be writtable and have access to store in it like free space .


if you make new flash room  for your reveiver this  folder never delete . you still have  ur filles on  it .


can you understand me .

In Topic: folder media/usb doesnt show

10 March 2018 - 14:21

hi brother my friend has golden media spark 7111

he has that root  media/usb/  active  whithout adding usb   he add files and picons  on it as seperate disk

 i want to do the same

can u explaine more