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Member Since 8 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active 22 Mar 2020 00:38

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[Enigma2] EPG downloads but won't load

11 April 2018 - 16:18


I am new here and I already start with a doubt :)


So I am trying to setup EPG on a Vu+Zero with OI 3.0 from 26/03/2018.

I ended up managing to install EPGImport, created a custom IPTV channel list (currently only 1 channel for debug purposes) and associated the correspondent XMLTV xz source.


When I manually download EPG (yellow button) it creates the correct new_epg.xml in the /tmp/ folder, and the data is for sure the same I'm using in the channel list.

The box then asks to restart the dvbapp2 service, but it never loads the EPG info into the box.


Also, according to https://forums.openp...d-xmltv-import/

subtopic: * No epg is imported after the box comes out of deepstandby.


I installed the ntpdate package and am calling it in the enigma2.sh script.


Some strange behaviour in /etc/enigma2/settings,

Everytime the box restarts, I end up with a default config:


So to clear the culprit I ended up copying /tmp/new_epg.dat into /usr/crossepg/data/epg.dat, but still no success!


As of now I'm a bit lost and feel the solution is very close...

Well, I guess the worst part of downloading the correct epg is done  :)

Where should I start looking for the issue?

