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Member Since 18 May 2018
Offline Last Active 16 Jun 2024 04:40

Topics I've Started

Jerks on certain streams

12 April 2024 - 04:38

I have for some weeks a Vu+ Duo 4k Se, in order to catch the streams on 5.0W but sometimes I have noticed that these are jerks on some of these channels, not always and only on watching. If I record the stream, the record is perfect, only for viewing.

I tried it on OP 8.3 and on OP 9, the same problem appears.

Is there something with this Vu+ and OpenPli?

Thanks for your help, best regards.

Copy timer events

17 September 2023 - 04:35


A suggestion about programming events:
Sometimes, we need to cut in different parts some records, or make a new similar to another one. So, it will be very useful to have the possibility to copy an existing programmed event in order just to have to modifiy or the date, or the time, and so on.

What do you think about adding this function ?

Thanks for considering, best regards and as always, compliments for OP, really the best.