how can I make the remote control's channel up/down buttons act repetitive ? (I have them configured to zap channels)
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channel up/down buttons how to make them repeat ?
27 June 2018 - 01:27
program/app/plugin to control LED segment or red/green LED ?
26 May 2018 - 00:56
Is there a program/app/plugin/tool to change the colour of the RED/GREEN LED or control the LED segments (Mut@nt box) ? I need it because I made an unmount script for the USB HDD and I operate it with one of the Remote's hotkeys and I want it to change the LED segment or RED/GREEN LED if my script says the unmount has been succesful so that I don't need to turn my TV/monitor on.
how to disable automatic search for updates and possibly auto updating apps/plugins ?
22 May 2018 - 03:30
Hi. I am a conservative user, meaning I am of the kind that likes to keep what he has got (in a sense) and hate devices that auto update. That mind comes from all experience with apps looking/working different or not working at all or even making a computer/settopbox completely inoperable. I hope there is more of my kind around here ;-)
Therefore I really want to disable openPLI's auto search for updates and if it does auto-update them I want to disable that too. I hope there is a menu option that I missed (I'm an openPli 6.1 user on a Mut@nt HD500c) or some config file I can edit via a telnet/ssh session. I hope someone can help me with this because I cannot find it in this forum or google.
waar zit de unmount optie voor een USB device ? (ik gebruik een Mut@nt)
20 May 2018 - 23:29
Hallo. Ik heb een Mut@nt met openPLI er op en kan nergens vinden hoe ik een USB HDD kan unmounten alvorens ik de USB kabel loskoppel. Ik neem aan dat ook ext-partities beschadigd kunnen raken als je zomaar een USB HDD loskoppelt ? Ik zet nu de Mut@nt eerst op standby maar ik weet niet of hij dan de USB HDD unmount ? Alvast bedankt voor je hulp.
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