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Member Since 14 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active 16 Aug 2018 13:38

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In Topic: Vu+ Solo 4K - Recording issue when timeshift is enabled

15 August 2018 - 10:34


Thank you so much.
I understand better now why this behavior occurs. I’ll try to investigate with the provider to have a better understanding of how it works exactly with PiP and why it works.

Best regards,

In Topic: Vu+ Solo 4K - Recording issue when timeshift is enabled

15 August 2018 - 09:55


Thank you so much for your answer. And I’m sorry, I looked into the other posts, but I never found this information. Shame one me :-(
Anyway, it’s strange that the functionality PIP works while only one stream could be use at a time. Moreover, the recording doesn’t work if I record the channel I’m watching (so only one network flow).

Once again, thank you very much for your help and your time.

Best regards,

In Topic: Vu+ Solo 4K - Recording issue when timeshift is enabled

15 August 2018 - 09:35


Thank you for your reply.
Sorry I forgot to mention this information. I’m using IPTV without any card, softcam or anything else.

Best regards,