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Member Since 2 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active 26 Jan 2020 17:28

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Zgemma H7C stuck in boot if usb flash drive present

4 November 2018 - 18:49


first of all thank you for the amazing work.

I've been using an openpli image for a long time, on a Zgemma Star H2 before and a Zgemma H7C now. The only issue i'm having (on the H7C) is that during reboot (during the update or complete reboot) the decoder gets stuck in reboot (display: BOOT) and does nothing. If I remove the usb flash drive (Used for recordings), turn off the decoder and back on, it boots smoothly.

If I turn off the decoder and back on with the usb still in, it doesn't boot. It happens with every one of the 3 usb ports in the back (2x usb2 + 1x usb3)

If I remove the flash drive before rebooting, I have no issues at all.

The usb flash drive is 32GB, NTFS fyle system. It's the same I was using with the Star H2 and never had any issues there.

I bought the H7C at the beginning of september, if you need to know the first time that has happened.

It's a problem with the decoder or it's software related?

Image version: OpenPLi 6.2 20181029 (Last clean install: beginning of september)

thank you