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Member Since 4 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active 02 Jul 2020 15:37

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Enigma2 channels list to VLC playlist Converter - php

17 October 2018 - 23:29

Go into the Webif (connect with your browser to the IP address of your STB).


In the channel list click on the TV icon of the favorites and you will dowload the .m3u list from this favorite, you can also download individually download the .m3u for a specific channel.




Thank you so much, life saver

In Topic: tcpd hosts.allow hosts.deny support

5 September 2018 - 11:17

iptables doesn't work, there are unsatisfied dependency with kernel


iptables -L
modprobe: FATAL: Module ip_tables not found in directory /lib/modules/4.1.20-1.9
iptables v1.6.1: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
for the rest I know you are right, I'm a computer scientist and I know the risk.
the setup of VPN it's unpratical because every time you have to add a timer or view the EPG, you must open VPN on phone or forward the port over ssh. it could be easy for me, not for my wife. anyway consider my topic as an academic one: setting up a minimal firewall on a enigma2 box.

In Topic: tcpd hosts.allow hosts.deny support

5 September 2018 - 10:04

I very appreciate your suggestions but it's not the topic: I'm asking if exist a way to enable hosts.allow/deny control, not the best practice to secure a box.


I do know that VPN it's a better way but it's not pratical, expecially for other user (my wife) that want simply record a tv show when not at home with a tap. 

I know the risk of a open port (even with authentication enabled).

In Topic: tcpd hosts.allow hosts.deny support

5 September 2018 - 07:11

Why? First don’t share you e2 box on the www! Without using ssh with a key or vpn.


Mainly because I use WebIf (API) opened on web, to remote control my box (add timer from outside my home, view epg on my Android app ) and to remote stream my channels.


I do NOT use standard port but I'd like to be sure that my server is unreachable from outside my country.


On my Nuc server (plex and transmission) there were connections from China or US and on it I successfully installed a geo block with hosts.allow/deny and GeoIp database, I'd like to do the same on my decoder.