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Member Since 6 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active 26 Feb 2021 14:07

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In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

21 October 2020 - 11:07

Attached File  Channel selection.png   705.45KB   1 downloadsAttached File  MultiEPG.png   396.63KB   1 downloadsUpdate:
After editing numerous “pyo” files in “usr/lib/enigma2/python” :
The first page of Multi EPG shows correct am/pm time.
My modified Skin generates the correct am/pm time too.
The rest remains in 24h format like “Add Timer and single EPG. This is due to missing EPG configuration files in Openpli; Vix have them, (correct me if I am wrong).  The developers of Openpli can create them if there is a demand, it’s always good to have a choice. We have to wait. 
And if you play with your satellite receiver, always make a full backup, very important. I have backups with the original 24h format and with the modifications I made.
Thanks to all of you that tried to help me.

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

18 October 2020 - 14:00

Grate "enigma2-src" No converter needed. Thanks

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

18 October 2020 - 12:40

Installed "opkg install enigma2-src" with the terminal, what does it do? Sorry I am not a pro.

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

18 October 2020 - 10:40

Nothing on "github.com" search results: 

       We couldn’t find any repositories matching 'org:github ClockToText.py'

You could search all of GitHub or try an advanced search.    

In Topic: Time change to 12h format (am/pm)

18 October 2020 - 10:20

Thanks, very useful advice. I'll try it but I may need some help. I use Linux computer and notepadqq.