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Member Since 26 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active 05 Nov 2018 02:42

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In Topic: Zgemma H7.AC Remote Control Button Mapping

1 October 2018 - 17:55

This finalizes it.
I have openatv 6.2 configured with 13 sats scanned in so far and 'bouquet' lists named for the sat and position.
So far. With lamedb and xml files backed up.
Full backup on a 1tb drive I added to the box.

Then I flashed a backup of PLI and went through the setup wizard. Then to save time restored my previous atv work with Dreamset. Configured diseqc 1.2 for my ASC1 to move the dish.

I had my girlfriend eager to try the new box out. It's been about a week. We had a few friends stop by. They're 'geeky' like me and love new toys.

She used the box with atv on it. I asked her and our friend to see if it was easy to use. Of course a learning curve is needed.
They love it. The dish had set since the GI 920 VCII RS went obsolete.
We've been using FTA for a few years. And cable, Roku.
The Zgemma with OpenATV is easy and intuitive to use and very similar in operation to FTA satellite receivers we have and TV in terms of the remotes. Everything just makes sense.

I went through and figured out what every GUI menu did and changed for operation of the box using OpenPLI.
Something we did not have to do in excess with OpenATV.
I would akin it to a person who spoke American English understanding Canadian, British, Australian, and other dialects very easily. Sony, Dreamlink, Linkbox, Sanyo, Samsung (my friends have the Sanyo) are very similar in operation.
Then, It was like trying to understand Russian when using OpenPLI. Would vodka have helped?

So now it's not me against the world. I asked 3 other people of their opinion.
Nobody wanted to write a cheat-sheet on how to use the Zgemma with OpenPLI.

I also read for the location of and found the keymap. Compared it with pli. And opened and extracted a VU+ image of ATV.

Why is pli so different? I copied and pasted a few sections of the atv keymap file into pli.
Immediately things made more sense using OpenPLI.
Bouquets in EPG  were missing, or not so apparent or 'in your face' as they are in atv.
And you are forever moving your fingers all over the remote control to do the most simple things with pli.

Using different EMU's was the reason I really wanted to try OpenPLI. 3 other people gave it a try while I left and went for a pack of smokes. My girlfriend said when I came back. "Take it off". Unfortunately it wasn't her....you know!

I don't speak Deutch. So I'm hoping this post had made sense to members with an open mind.
We can compare and argue cars anyway we want to. There will be those who hold fast to OpenPLI. And I wish my experience with it resulted in smiles and sighs of relief. Unfortunately, not.
Try OpenATV on a Zgemma. Take a look at the keymapping files for both OS's.
It's obvious the dev's did not have an actual H7 in their possession to model the software configurations for.
I know a few people out there who have the cold water on the left and the hot on the right.
You get it.

In Topic: Zgemma H7.AC Remote Control Button Mapping

30 September 2018 - 18:55


3 things certain:
The gas pedal, clutch, and brake are always in the same spot. Right or left hand drive. And so I believe the turn signal is too.
Any vehicle with Lucas Electrics will leave you stranded.

Nope. The clutch pedal is sometimes completely absent and the turn signals are on the other side stick in some. And my bike with Lucas electrics never stranded me.


Guess I was thinking jag-ya-wer's (as the brits say...sorta like al-loo-min-eee-yum) and mg's and triumphs.
You have to signal your turn. Mental telepathy don't work too well.
As far as anything else. Real men drive a stick!
Kind of like the girl once who asked me is she could drive my car.
"Can you drive a stick?"
Her: "Pffft....(cocks her head and smirks) I'm 'Panish!"

In Topic: Zgemma H7.AC Remote Control Button Mapping

30 September 2018 - 16:11

There are no previous scans to clear out in: Menu>Setup>Service searching>Automatic scan. Maybe explain a bit better what you are trying to do or what you are trying to clear or delete.

When you start out. First scan. You have the list in Automatic scan to:
Clear before scan  yes
Network scan         yes
Scan tuner A (with your  selected scan)    yes
Scan tuner B (If you have one....I do)        yes
Scan tuner C (with the tuner configuration for cable or OTA)   yes

Every time you setup to scan a different sat, you get an extra line of the previous scans. And of course you select no.
And so on, and so on.
I've scanned 13 sats so far and the list is cluttered with yes, yes, no, no ,no,no.....etc.
So my intention is to get rid of all of the scans in the list already performed but the one I'm currently performing.
To keep the list nice and neat.

In Topic: Zgemma H7.AC Remote Control Button Mapping

30 September 2018 - 04:15

Okay Einsteins.
How would you clear out the previous scans in Menu>Setup>Service searching>Automatic scan?
Common with the Enigma2 versions.

In Topic: Zgemma H7.AC Remote Control Button Mapping

30 September 2018 - 04:03

Thanks El
I saw a statement resembling "nobody zaps from the epg".
Yes they do...and with without a doubt the defacto standard.
Question to the person. Do YOU nav to the guide, see Sanford and Son reruns. Then exit the guide and scrolll to your channel list, and zap it?
If you do I have some property in the Pacific I'd love to sell you.
Kodi, Emby, Every television, cable box. Scroll the epg until you find your program and smack ENTER (or OK).
Terrestrial, cable, satellite? Previous/Next.
Crap. It's cold in here. Winter is coming. I better go sit in the the 911,  and throw a handful of levers and knobs.
Because reaching over to the the wall and pressing the up button on the thermostat is just too hard.
Another statement saying "stupid tv controllers". The person must have a vacuum tube tv with a detent tuner where the beer stays at his arm chair and he trots to the...Lowe Opta. Or Zenith.
I did not come here to argue. Nor to complain. It may look like it.
I'll finish up openatv and mapping my sats and channels. The ASC1 is awesome. Then perform a backup to the 1 gig drive I put in the H7. And restore the openpli build from that drive.
Not bad for a week into this.

Let's ask this question. All of these softwares are Linux. All have the basic same directory structure. Before getting the Zgemma, I read. And alot.
I also am interested in the "decoders" available. OpenPli has them built in. OpenATV does not.
"Stupid RC's". What is so stupid that I plugged it in. Breezed through the users manual for 5 minutes. And when I had my first few sats scanned in. I was navigating the menus and epg screen like a boss?
Channel up is channel up.
Channel down is channel down.
Previous and next is just that.
I didn't NEED the help key.

Because the Linux coders who put a little marmalade on and called it "whatever STB firmware" thought about the end user.
So easy a 3 year old could use it.
So what is the personna of a person changing the wheel?
My suspect mind tells me the dev's did not have one of these receivers but knew it had an ARM 7 processor and resembled other ones like it.
So it must be the same. And tossed some code in a box and called it a day.
Hence revisions and nightly releases.

The help key will be the first place I go when I get pli restored.

I have to be done with this. Add refresh myself using telnet. I guess.
"Hey dude, look at this". "Try it out"......."ummmm how-do-you-change-channels?"
Stanford, my friend. Or Cambridge.