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Lid geworden: 31 mrt 2011
Offline Laatste activiteit: 12 sep 2016 12:07

Onderwerpen die ik ben begonnen


6 augustus 2015 - 11:55

hi i build a image with hid support in kernel and bluez5


i want to connect to a device, but command "hidd" is not aviable



device is listed and scan works fine, but cant connect without hidd



i build with EXTRA_OECONF += " --disable-udevrules --enable-hidd", 

hcitool dev
        hci0    5C:F3:70:14:BC:02

hcitool scan
Scanning ...
        30:A8:DB:50:96:AF       Xperia Z2

image converter?

12 juli 2015 - 02:25

hi is someone here who knew to convert a jpg 1920x1080 image to png 1280x720 image, with compression?


I already tried it with libav package and use this code:

avconv -i /tmp/img.jpg -vf scale=1280:720 /tmp/img.png

but the png file is about 2mb, with pngquant about 500kb, but this take really long time to compress

python test files?

16 november 2014 - 23:25


do we need all testfiles in python2.7 folder?


root@vusolo2:~# du -sh /usr/lib/python2.7/test/
12.2M   /usr/lib/python2.7/test/
we can save some mb
my installed python packages:
 opkg list_installed *python*
libpython2.7-1.0 - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-2to3 - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-audio - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-bsddb - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-cheetah - 2.4.4-r3
python-codecs - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-compile - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-compiler - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-compression - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-core - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-crypt - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-ctypes - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-curses - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-datetime - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-db - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-debugger - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-difflib - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-distutils - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-doctest - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-elementtree - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-email - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-fcntl - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-gdata - 2.0.14-r1
python-gdbm - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-hotshot - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-html - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-idle - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-image - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-importlib - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-io - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-json - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-lang - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-logging - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-mailbox - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-math - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-mechanize - 0.2.5-r4
python-mime - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-misc - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-mmap - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-modules - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-multiprocessing - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-netclient - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-netserver - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-numbers - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-pickle - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-pkgutil - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-pprint - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-profile - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-pydoc - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-pyopenssl - 0.13-r1
python-pyusb - 1.0.0a2-r1
python-re - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-readline - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-resource - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-robotparser - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-shell - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-smtpd - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-sqlite3 - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-sqlite3-tests - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-stringold - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-subprocess - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-syslog - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-terminal - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-tests - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-textutils - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-threading - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-tkinter - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-twisted-core - 13.2.0-r2
python-twisted-mail - 13.2.0-r2
python-twisted-protocols - 13.2.0-r2
python-twisted-web - 13.2.0-r2
python-unittest - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-unixadmin - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-utf8-hack - 0.2-r0
python-xml - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-xmlrpc - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-zlib - 2.7.3-r5.3
python-zopeinterface - 4.1.1-r0