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Member Since 23 Apr 2011
Offline Last Active 29 Aug 2014 21:03

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active parental control does nothing since openpli4.0

28 August 2014 - 15:10



i´m new to this forum. I have searched for a solution here now (and googled before) but haven´t found any solution yet.

My problem: I Had Openpli for years but since flashing a new build a few days (OpenPLi-4.0-beta-et9x00-20140820_usb) ago the parental control does nothing (pin is set and known, control is active as ever but it does not ask for it any more, neither after deepstandby nor normal standby). Then I tried kiddyblock0.4 (from feed), which asked me for the pin when I tried to configure it but refuses my pin, refuses the actual date, 1234 and other easy pins so I can not use it when it starts with a secret key. Interesting though, when I had to wait after failing to enter the configuration of kiddyblock I had to wait with entering the usual parental control too, so they seem linked in a certain way. I dont need kiddyblock, normal parental control would be fine enough, when it would work again. 


My hard- and software: ET9000, Openpli, kiddyblock (installed AFTER encountering problems with parental control)

My knowledge/connections to box: windows (webif, explorer), no telnet or linux consoles 





I hope anyone can advise me what to try next!

Thanx in advance,
