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How to debug EPGImport 0 events issue

31 December 2020 - 19:01

I'm trying to use EPGImport to download and update the EPG data for my IPTV stream.


Have it all configured but it always exits with 0 events found.


What I've checked so far is that the Source is configured correctly in EPGImport.
When I perform a manual import of Sources I can see that the file /tmp/epgimport (around 35Mb) gets downloaded/created. It then processes the file which is when it seems to find no matching events?
[XMLTVImport] WakeUpTime now set to 1609482008 (now=1609436954)
[EPGImport] nextImport, source= IPTV
[EPGImport] Downloading: https://IPTV.uk:443/...ord&next_days=2 to local path: /tmp/epgimport
[EPGImport] No IPv6, using IPv4 directly: https://IPTV.uk:443/...ord&next_days=2
[EPGImport] afterDownload /tmp/epgimport
[EPGImport] unlink /tmp/epgimport
[EPGImport] afterChannelDownload None
[EPGImport] Using twisted thread
[XMLTVConverter] Enumerating event information
[EPGImport] ### thread is ready ### Events: 0
[EPGImport] imported 0 events
[XMLTVImport] Save last import date and count event
[XMLTVImport] Run check deep standby after import
[EPGImport] #### Finished ####
[XMLTVImport] WakeUpTime now set to 1609482008 (now=1609436992)
[XMLTVImport] WakeUpTime now set to 1609482008 (now=1609436998)

Is there a way to be able to enable further logging or even debugging the problem I'm seeing? Or is there a way I can run the step XMLTVConverter manually to see if it errors? Also why does it, from the logs does it unlink the file straight after downloading it, I've looked at the code for EPGImport and see that it does read the file before the unlink command so I'd assume that the file at that point has been loaded into memory/buffer?


The frustrating thing is that it did used to work until last week when my box crashed and since the restart it's just failed and I can't figure out why.


Lastly, I know the above is about IPTV so apologies if talk/help isn't allowed or can't be given.