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4 February 2019 - 19:41
When i try to start openmultiboot openpli 7.0 ask me to install kernel-module-block2mtd but it is impossible ( "Cannot instal kernel-module-block2mtd")
21 January 2019 - 19:07
One more question:
Could You tell me what mean "support for Gamma Curve" ? (a new in OpenPli 7.0)
Is it for better quality picture ?
21 January 2019 - 10:35
My attempts to install Openpli 7.0 on multiboot (zgemma h2s) are not succesfull.
I tried to install "Openpli 7.0 .. mutiboot" version ... even.
Flash instalation OK.
16 January 2019 - 14:00
Ok Thak's
16 January 2019 - 13:43
What exactly did you install? Some ipk from outside the plugin management?
Dreamexplorer, some skins from feed
Venus Plugin Ncam 8.1, ncaddon 1.2 by .ipk