I accept apologies from everyone, but there is no reason to call us lamers (= idiots) without any action from us. Nobody of VTi was involved in this discussion here but we were called lamers (see post of littlesat).
There was never ever a bad word against you or PLi ! I'm really disappointed about your statement.
You only have to ask if you want some information.
You know it better than me, that you can't use our servicelist.cpp because you have done many changes at enigma2 and we use the vuplus enigma2.
Furthermore, It is not done in C++ it's a simple helper in python which check's the recording.
But I guess the way it is done in VTi will not pass your coding style requirements
from timer import TimerEntry
import NavigationInstance
def recordService(service):
if NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordings():
for timer in NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.timer_list:
if timer.state == TimerEntry.StateRunning:
if timer.justplay:
timerservice = timer.service_ref.ref.toString()
if timerservice == service:
return 1
return 0
And this is called from within the servicelist.cpp, thats's all