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Member Since 20 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active 08 Jan 2024 17:22

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In Topic: VU+ Duo2 with OpenPLi has been very slow in menus for years

6 January 2024 - 00:52

After a couple of hours, it finished the failing picon install operation. After that, the box seems back to normal.


I probably formatted the SSD from inside the box. Either way, it is ext4 according to mount. Does anyone know what could be the reason for the picon install to get the read-only-problems?

In Topic: VU+ Duo2 with OpenPLi has been very slow in menus for years

5 January 2024 - 18:37

This has actually blocked the whole TV-box while still failing to create directories for like a half hour now. It seems I can't abort either. Would it be ok to force a reboot of the box from telnet when something like this happens, or might I break something if I do?

In Topic: VU+ Duo2 with OpenPLi has been very slow in menus for years

5 January 2024 - 18:13

Ok, I tried that, and selected to install them to the SSD I've installed, but I get warnings about Read-Only filesystem and after that, loads of warnings when extracting png-files saying "Failed to create dir '/media/hdd/picon'". Do I have to change some mounting settings?

In Topic: VU+ Duo2 with OpenPLi has been very slow in menus for years

5 January 2024 - 15:41


Could it be that some picons have to be installed first and I currently have none, therefore no picon folder? Also, where can I find picons for the channels we have? Do I have to download logos from our cable provider and change resolution myself, or are there collections provided by dedicated people, like all of you in this forum?


The folder is created when you install a picon package.


There are several in the feed, some are labeled SNP, which are matched on channel name, some are labeled SRP, which are matched on unique channel service reference.


We build picons packages from https://github.com/picons/picons.


I suggest you start with an SNP package, and see how that matches your channel list. You can report any omissions on that github page, or, if you want support for service references for your specific provider, you dan ask them to add them.





What feed are you refering to? On the linked github page, the README.md file is displayed, with building instructions for Ubuntu. I'm currently running Manjaro (arch), so I'm using pacman for packade installation, which I find much harder to use than APT, but that's another story. I already have git installed, so getting the files out would be no problem.


If I start to follow the instructions in that README.md, I seem able to install all listed packages, except 'librsvg2-bin'. Also when looking through the instructions, it is not clear to me everywhere what is to be done on the box itself and what should be done on my laptop. Suddenly, it refers to TvHeadend. I've never heard of it and don't know if I'm running it or not.


But lets say you point me to a place where there's a pre-built picon-package that could work for me. How do you actually install them? Using dreamboxEdit or is there another way?

In Topic: VU+ Duo2 with OpenPLi has been very slow in menus for years

5 January 2024 - 13:59

Ok, thanks again. I've looked in a few different places for a picon folder without luck. I've also searched through the menu system and LCD4Linux settings briefly, but couldn't find the path there either. There was a path suggested as default in dreamboxEdit I think, but I thought I needed to locate it on my box before starting to fiddle with it. For now, I can say there's no picon folder in either of the following folders:







Could it be that some picons have to be installed first and I currently have none, therefore no picon folder? Also, where can I find picons for the channels we have? Do I have to download logos from our cable provider and change resolution myself, or are there collections provided by dedicated people, like all of you in this forum?


Regarding all picons being loaded vs. RAM size, I don't think that could possibly be a problem. The resolution of the TFT is 400 x 240, so the picons would be smaller than that, say 300 x 200, which, with 32-bit color depth would yield a picon file size of about 235 kBytes. Since we have like 25 channels in total, that would add up to 5,7 Mbytes of RAM spent on all of the picons, even if they are 32-bit and completely uncompressed. Also, I have to say I don't think this box has a small RAM. Looking at the table on this page, for example:




...2048 Mb is the largest RAM size of the boxes seen there. I realize newer boxes might have more, but 2 Gb should be sufficient for what this box needs to store in RAM, in my opinion.