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Member Since 17 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active 04 Jul 2022 18:32

Topics I've Started

[et9000] Sundtek DVB-C Stick issue on scrambled services

30 January 2012 - 19:08

Dear OpenPLi,

I just recognized, that I cannot descramble any DVB-C Service, even having a appropriate SC, which is also active. FTA Services are decoded well, scrambled don´t. Is it maybe related to the vTuner device!?

ET9000 - latest OpenPLi updated today

20 January 2012 - 19:29

Hi OpenPLi team,

today I´ve recognized the following. Once I zapp to a channel where there is no Signal, I get the message "Tunen fehlgeschlagen" in english "tuning failed". When zapp back to a service with a normal strong signal the Tuner doesn´t lock anymore. I get a black screen, with the same message "Tunen fehlgeschlagen". The annoying thing is, that no matter what I do, zapp to antoher service or restart the e2. Nothing helps! Of course you don´t get a crash log.
The only thing which helps, I MUST cut off power - switch the cuircut breaker on the back side, and swicth it again on, to get i tuning again!? This is that much annoying you cannot believe... :(

The second thing is, while wachting a IPTV service I´d like to record the event on my et9000 HDD, but I can´t.
I get the message

"Aufnahme wegen unbekanntem Service $serviceref of the IPTVservice$ fehlgeschlagen"

It seems, that the recording function does not know this service type and rejects the recording. Is this possible to change?

Thanks in advance!

ET9x00 - Audio issue on IPTV Channels

7 January 2012 - 17:32

Dear MiLo, dear all devs,

I wrote you an email some days ago. Due to your response I write the topic public in the forum. Further I don´t know whom to address my problem, maybe you can give me a contact or someone of the et devs is reading my post here.

My friends and I, as well as many other users are connected to networks with a huge amount of DVB-conform IPTV channels. On dreambox with dmm 3.2.0 they work lik a charm. With the actual OpenPLI and other newer ET9x00 images it doesn´t work proper or in useable way (only Video works no Audio, btw with older images for ET9000 it does work proper!!!), therefore I assume that somthing has changed in the driver, which occurs this issue on IPTV streams! For a better reproduction I added three lines of TV services I use. Just add this three TV IPTV Services into your favorites userbouquet and restart enigma2. They should appear as usal TV services

#SERVICE 1:0:1:2ee3:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//gogo.jksw.cz%3a8008:RTL-iptv
#SERVICE 1:0:1:445d:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//gogo.jksw.cz%3a8009:ProSieben-iptv
#DESCRIPTION ProSieben-iptv
#SERVICE 1:0:1:445c:0:0:0:0:0:0:http%3a//gogo.jksw.cz%3a8010:SAT1-iptv

or if you have a second enigma2 STB, just stream TV services via a second e2 Box. Pretty much the same like IPTV.

#SERVICE 1:0:1:445E:453:1:C00000:0:0:0:http%3a//IP_of_remote_e2-Box%3a8001/1%3a0%3a1%3a445E%3a453%3a1%3aC00000%3a0%3a0%3a0%3a:kabel eins (dreambox)
#DESCRIPTION kabel eins (dreambox)
#SERVICE 1:0:1:6DCA:44D:1:C00000:0:0:0:http%3a//IP_of_remote_e2-Box%3a8001/1%3a0%3a1%3a6DCA%3a44D%3a1%3aC00000%3a0%3a0%3a0%3a:Das Erste (dreambox)
#DESCRIPTION Das Erste (dreambox)
#SERVICE 1:0:1:6D66:437:1:C00000:0:0:0:http%3a//IP_of_remote_e2-Box%3a8001/1%3a0%3a1%3a6D66%3a437%3a1%3aC00000%3a0%3a0%3a0%3a:ZDF (dreambox)

When I zap to the first channel RTL, the video and Audio works proper, when I zap then to ProSieben or SAT1 only Video appears but no Audio.
I have already recognized that if I decrease the value of the AudiSync that Audio appears but it is complety unsynchron. Also deistalling the AudioSync doesn´t help. I think that the PCR is not really considered for these IPTV Streams. As already told, on the actual dmm images these streams work completly errorfree!

I really hope that you will give me an answer, because the use of IPTV streams is increasing in future and this feature is a K.O: criteria in my eyes. Thank you for your effort!!!