I have now got it working on my TV but for some reason I had to change the HDMI setting on my TV from Enhanced to Regular to get it to show.
I thought that it had to be set to enhanced for 720p upwards but it is saying that I have 3840 x 2160 on UHD1 Test on Astra 1 so unless that is telling me what the stream is coming in at and it is down scaling it to a lower resolution I am unsure why it is working at all on that setting at that resolution.
Now all I have to do is to find out why I can't get it to switch from Satellite tuners A and B back to the terrestrial tuner on C and add my hard drive.
Thanks again for sorting me out so quickly as I must have already spent at least 8 hours over two evenings scratching my head
I am pleased that I do not need to have CEC enabled to make it work too as I like to just use the remote for whichever device I am watching.