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Member Since 8 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active 22 Apr 2019 07:56

Topics I've Started

Release - Netflix Add-on

19 April 2019 - 11:49

I couldn't find a thread for the latest Netflix Input Stream based Add-on and google just shows up piracy links, so I thought it was about time we had a thread about it so people with paid subscriptions can use netflix inside Kodi.

This is not my Add-on, but seems like a good community effort. This is also not an "official Add-on" by the Kodi team. It has been built by 3rd parties.

Is there a dedicated forum for Kodi addons?

19 April 2019 - 11:47

I recently got into this amazing world of Kodi and I have no idea where to begin and with all these choices for addons it feels like a huge wave to take on at once and its hard to tell which is still supported and ones that arent up to date any longer. I'd like a forum that can keep up with all that sort of stuff where the latest addon repros are posted and suggested and also to see what new stuff developers are working on to make the experience more exciting.