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Member Since 30 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active 06 Feb 2018 06:17

Topics I've Started

Movie Player modifications

17 January 2012 - 22:37

I would like to suggest some enhancements for this plugin. It is very good already and has a lot useful features like playing music or pictures but there are still some features which can be added.
First thing: I've noticed that by browsing directory tree it does not remember parent directory. It is a little bit annoying when you go up and selection is moved to the first file instead of pointing the last browsed directory. I changed it. Please find the file attached - now the first file is selected only when you go down in directory tree. Going up moves selection to the already browsed folder.
If there are no complains I will commit it into GIT.
I am wandering if I shall entirely remove selecting first file in directory? In my opinion it is a little bit confusing - especially where there are a lot of directories.

Dreambox Explorer plugin problem

12 January 2012 - 22:47

I've noticed that after software update the plugin is not working (I did it today after several days). It's connected with some changes in DVD Player plugin. It seems that changing the plugin.py code as follows:
49 from Screens import DVD #from Plugins.Extensions.DVDPlayer.plugin import DVDPlayer
fixes the problem but I haven't checked it entirely.

OSD3DSetup modifications

30 December 2011 - 23:01

I have done some modifications to the plugin.
Key changes are:
- added option to place toggle command in Main Menu and / or Extensions Selection
- added option to turn 3D mode automatically - reading both service (channel) name and file name
- added descriptions (help) to options items.
If you have any suggestions or questions, let me know. Obviously, there still a lot of things which could be improved...
I could only test it on my tuner - ET9000. I don't have 3D channels either. With *.mkv 3D files it is working properly.
I would like to ask OpenPli Team to analyse / test it and replace the oryginal one, if it is possible. :)

Autotimer - small change in Timer Editor layout

26 December 2011 - 23:10

Hello, I have noticed that the label for help description seems to be to small. If it is possible, please apply the following change (lines 381 - 393, module AutoTimerEditor.py):
skin = """<screen name="AutoTimerEditor" title="Edit AutoTimer" position="center,center" size="565,400">
  <ePixmap position="0,5" size="140,40" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/red.png" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
  <ePixmap position="140,5" size="140,40" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/green.png" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
  <ePixmap position="280,5" size="140,40" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/yellow.png" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
  <ePixmap position="420,5" size="140,40" pixmap="skin_default/buttons/blue.png" transparent="1" alphatest="on" />
  <widget source="key_red" render="Label" position="0,5" zPosition="1" size="140,40" valign="center" halign="center" font="Regular;21" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" shadowColor="black" shadowOffset="-1,-1" />
  <widget source="key_green" render="Label" position="140,5" zPosition="1" size="140,40" valign="center" halign="center" font="Regular;21" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" shadowColor="black" shadowOffset="-1,-1" />
  <widget source="key_yellow" render="Label" position="280,5" zPosition="1" size="140,40" valign="center" halign="center" font="Regular;21" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" shadowColor="black" shadowOffset="-1,-1" />
  <widget source="key_blue" render="Label" position="420,5" zPosition="1" size="140,40" valign="center" halign="center" font="Regular;21" transparent="1" foregroundColor="white" shadowColor="black" shadowOffset="-1,-1" />
  <widget name="config" position="5,50" size="555,225" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" />
  <ePixmap pixmap="skin_default/div-h.png" position="0,275" zPosition="1" size="565,2" />
  <widget source="help" render="Label" position="5,280" size="555,105" font="Regular;21" />

usr/lib/enigma2/lib/python/*.py files

25 December 2011 - 15:14

Hello, where can I find decompiled python files like enigma.py, etc. (placed as compiled pyo in usr/lib/enigma2/python/ folder)?