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Member Since 18 Jul 2019
Offline Last Active 23 Jul 2019 05:18

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In Topic: Tunein radio plugin

20 July 2019 - 22:23

but still the color menu interfered with icons  as green arrow points in above image


thats because you are not using FHD resolution. I have only modified the FHD code part of your plugin (yet)


if dwidth == 1920:

if enigmaos=='oe2.0':





Ok now after changing zPosition for frame widget from 10 to 2


I will check this tomorrow. thanks so far :)

In Topic: Tunein radio plugin

20 July 2019 - 12:38

self.maxentry value is already 12

In Topic: Tunein radio plugin

18 July 2019 - 16:34

Thank you mfaraj57 :)
You asked me to explain here that little bug which is in that skin mod.
When moving the corsor to the last two stations at any site, The images will disapear. Try it :)

I was not able to find the code to fix that.
It has someting to do because I have changed the grid view to 4/3.

